Landbouwgrond naar DIFC
Machinery & Monocultural Farming system served humanity with an environmental cost. As humanity, we are at the crossroads. Seeing the environmental impact on our foot print in the world, we need another way of growing our food.
Our Social, Economical & Environmental problems are all connected with each other. And our way of living on this planet. To change our food print, we need to try different alternatives, different practises. To create these alternatives, we need to support them.
This page is Towards Nature Permaculture's vision for our future farming!​

What is Community Farming?
Community farming means, instead of 1 farmer's activity with tractors and monocultural farming, backed up with Fertilizers & Pesticides, land management is done by a Sustainable community.
This community is designed based on Permaculture concept, so the success of food production is increased.
Also, with an affordable & sustainable housing, Financial sustainability of the community is increased.
As each niche community is surrounded by Food Forests, Environmental Sustainability & transformation is embedded in the community design.
Community is built by choose your own neighbour method, Social Sustainability is to begin with upfront power.
The difference between C.S.A & Community Farming?
C.S.A (Community Supported Agriculture), the community lives outside the growing area, in their separate homes, in other cities. They are supporters/shareholders of the grower(farmer) but they are not directly grow food but they get involved on the harvesting.
Designed, Interntional Sustainable Farming Community lives on the land, in affordable housing. They are pioneers of a productive lifestyle, rather than a Consumer lifestyle. Their main aim is to sustain themselves, Financially, Environmentally & Socially.
They are part time gardeners & part time do their own jobs, in the city or remotely at home in the village. They actively do gardening, forest farming, edible products producing activities. Their excess products become their extra income. Their functionally sustainable & affordable housing provides them low cost energy, recycled, reused wastes & grey water.
Why Community Farming?
Negative Environmental impact with monocultures & machinery farming, high level of Chemical Fertilizers, Pesticides usage, Genetically Modified seeds and their costs to the farmers, increasing energy(Diesel) costs for the tractors, Unhealthy & Processed food products with many chemicals in them, Consumer Economy driven farmers with Financial debt problems, Economic slowdown, wars, and Global weather changes(floods, droughts, forest fires...).
Our system is now failing, because we have been spending our costs from our mother's(Earth) savings account and now it is coming to an end. Also, Population growth makes people densely & unhealthy living conditions in cities & towns. Social unrest, disconnection, loneliness, and financial problems are growing.
As humanity, we need to find an alternative system to produce our food, re-connect with each other & nature, and also a financially sustainable system is needed. If we look at our problems holistically, we can easily see that we need a different way of life on this planet.
This new system can start with pioneering alternative lifestyle examples. Main parameters of this new system must be based on 3 main Sustainability criteria's:
Environmental Sustainability
Financial Sustainability
Social Sustainability
​Designed, Intentional, (Sustainable) Farming Community is an alternative to Tractor Farming and it is designed based on Permaculture concept. ​​

1. - De oorsprong -
Het huisvestingsmodel komt uit de natuur zelf. De vorm van een schelpenhuis gebruiken en het transformeren naar een menselijke levensstijl met functionele en duurzame inputs. Gebaseerd op permacultuurconcept .

Duurzame & Functionele Huisvesting
Duurzaamheid is ontworpen op het huis zelf als individuele eenheid. Geschetst met inspiratie uit het schelpenhuis en verrijkt met functionele elementen, zoals energieopwekking, zelfregulerende verwarming, koeling, regenwateropvang en afvalrecycling.

3. - Landschap -
Wonen en Landschap is duurzaam door een gecombineerd ontwerp. In plaats van de menselijke levensstijl te scheiden van de natuur en productiviteit, wordt het door het ontwerp aangemoedigd om productief te leven, in de omgeving van de natuur en zelfregulerende, blijvende ecologische systemen.
4. - Gemeenschap door ontwerp -
In plaats van scheiding en concurrentie tussen mensen, brengen we de keuze om je eigen gemeenschap te creëren. Een levensstijl realiseren met uw keuze van mensen, op een duurzame manier? In plaats van met anderen te concurreren om een plek te vinden om te wonen, bieden wij u de mogelijkheid om de mensen te selecteren die u samen het leven wilt delen. Boeren of boer zijn betekent niet dat je koeienpoep moet opruimen. Het betekent dat u uw tuin parttime moet onderhouden en er geld mee moet verdienen.

5. - Repliceren door ontwerp -
Farming is done by the Sustainable Communities.
- People becomes Connected Community
- Landscapes become Food Forests
- Food becomes Organic & healthy
- Housing becomes a lifestyle choice

Levensstijl naar keuze:
- Van gecentraliseerd naar gelokaliseerd
- Van onproductief naar productief
Het repliceren van duurzame gemeenschappen (DIFC) in een ontworpen vorm kan de nieuwe manier zijn om stedelijke, op het land gebaseerde, productieve en duurzame dorpen te creëren. Lokale economie kan worden gevestigd, lokale oplossingen voor onze sociale en milieuproblemen kunnen worden gecreëerd. En deze manier van leven heet PERMACULTUUR ...