Our Vision
We are a permaculture Design, Consultancy and Landscaping company based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Our passion is creating naturally balanced environments and sustainable lifestyle, with using Permaculture understanding and techniques.
We believe that Humanity should find their correct place within our planet’s natural systems, without disturbing those systems and depleting natural resources. More importantly, Humanity should play a crucial role on restoring the damage created within the last hundred years. This is possible with combining regenerative land design, sustainable community building and using innovative technologies for creating a different pathway for humanity to follow on Earth.
This pathway is possible with creating sustainable communities within cities and outside of the cities. The real meaning of Sustainability has 3 main pillars; Environmental, Economical and Social. All these 3 essential aspects of Sustainability can be created using the Permaculture concept.
Our current system runs based on the equation of Sustainability = Economic Sustainability. Therefore the laws and legislations are based on / or supporting this basic, utopical and 250 years old theory of Continuous Growth. Compartmentalization of every aspect in our lives and laws create the main blockage for us to step forward with a sustainable lifestyle. Creating a circular economy within a horizontal economy/lifestyle is another dilemma and people fall into this illusion.
There is no shortcut for creating Sustainability. As a society, we are currently putting all our hopes in technology to solve our global problems. This is the same as betting all your coins on a single bet on the table while there are alternatives available. The alternative is that we change our ways, laws and legislations to allow sustainable lifestyle for the people who want to live that way.
As Towards Nature, the vision is to create examples of the real meaning of sustainable lifestyle and by examples to receive people's support and understanding. Towards Nature Permaculture is a dedicated company for creating Sustainability locally and eventually globally. Inside the cities, we are busy with creating Community Gardens, transforming School grounds, and also Public and private landscapes. Outside of the cities, to create Sustainable communities with Farmland transformation using Permaculture concept is our Vision.
The vision is to surround the cities with Sustainable communities and connect them to the inner city communities so that they create the web of collaboration which can create thriving human life on our planet.
Our Mission
As Towards Nature, our Global Goal is to create Worldwide Ecological, Economic and Social Sustainability. As Towards Nature, we have local and practical solutions for creating Global Sustainability.
We work towards achieving three main goals:
1. Current Environment Transformation (in the cities or suburban areas)
Private Garden Transformation
School Garden Transformation
Community Garden Designs and Implementation
2. Creating Future Living places and environments
Sustainable Village Designs & Implementations
Food Forest Creations in Public or Private Areas
Farmland transformation to D.I.S.C.
3. Global Landscapes Transformation
Regenerative Landscaping Designs and Vision
Arid Lands Transformation with Permaculture
Creating Sustainable Communities with Regenerative Landscaping & Rainwater Harvesting
We are proud of Our Logo because it fully represents our passion and what we want to achieve with Our Work. The round circle is about our mother Earth and also a seed. The person in it is representing a new human, a new culture, a Permanent Culture.
This new culture is growing as a seed in the world and together with the World – into a harmonious, aligned and intelligent future. With mother Earth, Towards Nature.